If you grew up between the 70’s and the 80’s, long time before powerful gaming consoles and GPU’s, you’ve might feel a little bit nostalgic about those gaming cabinets that swallowed coins for credits. You remember the 3 letters used for inserting your name on the game’s high score table. You still know the tricks, hacks and walkthroughs of your most played and beloved games.
Back then, since buying one Sinclair ZX Spectrum game was cheaper than four credits, after a coin-up hit appeared, I prayed for the 48K version of the game. I remember titles like Double Dragon, Operation Wolf, Ikari Warriors, R-Type, Commando, Bomb Jack, that had really good versions of the game for the Speccy – some were even better (Renegade, for instance).
It was good to have a 48K version of the game, but the 8-bit graphics couldn’t compete with the marvelous arcade graphics (only the expensive 16-bit Commodore Amiga was near). I somehow knew that, when I could, I would have one of these machines at home for extreme pleasure.
Because of the computer games and the ZX Spectrum, I chose Information Technology as my job, I can’t see myself doing other thing, and I’m thankful for that!
After MAME appeared, a new world of possibilities started to emerge. I discovered MAME around 1997, and built my Arcade Machine in 2009. It took more than 10 years to gain courage, time, and off course, some budget. After almost 9 years it is still alive and kicking!
This blog is not only about about Retro-gaming, but still, it will be one of the main themes. The main goal is to share some knowledge and experience (and hopefully help others finishing their projects), lessons learned, and also share some reviews about old and new IT Stuff.
You can check some photos of the progress of my old Arcade Cabinet’s project at Arcade Controls Forum.
See you soon!