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- File Size 280.23 MB
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- Create Date September 23, 2020
- Last Updated July 6, 2021
ZXBaremulator with Perdigao's Arcade Games Selection
Ready to flash image containing ZXBaremulator and Games!
The partition has 1GB of space, so you can still add lots of games (in TAPS folder).
Fully tested with Raspberry PI Zero W, Raspberry PI 2 Model B and Raspberry PI 3 Model B.
Works with:
- Raspberry PI 1 and Zero (but sound doesn't work through HDMI);
- Raspberry PI 2;
- Raspberry PI 3;
Raspberry PI 4 is still not supported.
Unzip the downloaded file, and use balenaEtcher to flash the image to a micro SD like described on this post -ZXBaremulator Easy Install.
Then, insert the micro SD on you Raspberry PI, power on and enjoy the Games!
Contains the games selection presented in this post - ZXBaremulator SD Install Step 3 – Updating the Files on the micro SD.
All Games were downloaded from https://worldofspectrum.org/archive, and are free to download and play.
Imagem pronta a "flashar" para um microSD, com o ZXBaremulator e Jogos!
A partitição tem 1GB de espaço, podendo assim acrescentar muitos mais jogos (na pasta TAPS).
Testada com sucesso em Raspberry PI Zero W, Raspberry PI 2 Model B e Raspberry PI 3 Model B.
Funciona com:
- Raspberry PI 1 e Zero (mas sem som via HDMI);
- Raspberry PI 2;
- Raspberry PI 3;
Raspberry PI 4 ainda não é suportado.
Descomprima o ficheiro descarregado, e use o balenaEtcher para escrever a imagem num cartão micro SD conforme descrito nesta publicação: post -ZXBaremulator Easy Install.
Depois, insira o cartão micro SD no Raspberry PI, ligue o PI à energia e disfrute dos Jogos!
Contém os jogos selecionados por mim, e apresentados nesta publicação - ZXBaremulator SD Install Step 3 – Updating the Files on the micro SD.
Todos os jogos foram descarregados de https://worldofspectrum.org/archive, e são grátis para descarregar e jogar.
- 48K only: Arkanoid, Barbarian, Bomb Jack, Bomb Jack 2, Bruce Lee, Cabal 48K, Cobra, Daley Thomson’s Decathlon, Dan Dare, Dan Dare 2, Dan Dare 3, Emilio Butragueno Futbol, Emlyn Hughes International Soccer, Flying Shark, Formula One, Jack the Nipper 2, Fred, Green Beret, Jet Set Willy, Kick Off, Kung-Fu Master, Match Day, Match Day 2, Midnight Resistance 48K, Ping Pong, Road Runner, Rolling Thunder, Saboteur!, Saboteur II 48K, Samurai Warrior, Spy Hunter, Tai-Pan 48K, Tetris 48K, The Great Escape, The Hobbit, The Lords of Midnight and West Bank.
- 48K+128K: Army Moves, Batman – The Movie, Bubble Bobble, Chaos, Chase HQ, Chuckie Egg, Chuckie Egg 2, Cybernoid, Daley Thompson’s Olympic Challenge, Elite, Escape From The Planet Of The Robot Monsters, Exolon, Golden Axe, Head Over Heels, Jet Set Willy 2, Manic Miner, Mask III, Ms. Pac-man, Myth – History In The Making, Operation Wolf, Out Run, Pac-Mania, Platoon, Rainbow Islands, Rambo III, Renegade, Target: Renegade, Rick Dangerous, Rick Dangerous 2, Robocop, Shinobi, Silk Worm, Sim City, Skool Daze, Space Harrier, Stormlord, The New Zealand Story and The Way of The Exploding Fist.
- 128K only: Amaurote, Cabal 128K, Carrier Command, Knight Tyme, La Abadia Del Crimen, Midnight Resistance 128K, Saboteur II 128K, Tai-Pan 128K, Where Time Stood Still and Tetris 128K